How to Wash a Synthetic Lace Front Wig

How to Wash a Synthetic Lace Front Wig

And Other Top Wig Care Tips for Beginners

Once you start getting into wig wearing, you may find yourself wondering what types of products you need in order to care for all this new hair and exactly how to do it. Especially when you wear your wigs out for a couple nights and they start to look like dried up cotton candy. Even synthetic wigs need to be cared for – just like your natural hair!

Caring for a wig requires different techniques and products depending on what kind of wig you have. The way you care for your wigs will differ greatly depending on whether it is a lace front or not and whether the hair is synthetic or human. Today we are going to discuss how to care for synthetic lace front wigs specifically.

Synthetic lace front wigs are definitely my favorite to wear because they offer the perfect blend of affordability and quality. Because they have a lace front, they look very natural and are easily customizable. The downside is that synthetic wigs may not last quite as long as human hair wigs, but with the tips and tricks in this post, you’ll be able to bring your wigs back to life and make them last even longer!

As a beauty lover who is still somewhat new to wearing wigs, I’ve gathered top tips and recommendations for wig care, wig washing, and wig styling from the extremely knowledgeable store associates and managers at United Beauty Supply to share with you.

First, let’s review some of the most common questions on wig care and maintenance.

How should I store my synthetic wigs?

There are lots of options for wig storage and it will all depend on the space you have available, and how many wigs you have. While you can store them in the box or even laid flat on a shelf, this may cause the wig to become a bit misshapen and flattened, so it’s best to use some sort of storage that will help the wig to maintain its’ original shape and pattern, like a wig stand or mannequin head.

What can I do daily to maintain my synthetic wig quality?

The best way to care for your wig daily is to spray it with a leave-in conditioning and detangling spray each time you wear the wig. Synthetic wigs don’t produce any of their own moisture, so they can become very dry and tangle easily. Spraying it frequently will keep your wig moisturized and tangle-free, helping them to last longer.

How often should I wash my synthetic wig?

This depends on several factors, including what kind of products (and how much of them) you use on your wigs, and how often or how long you wear your wig for. Overall, you want to wash your wig about once a month, or every 15-20 wears. Do not wash your wig as often as you’d wash your natural hair; this will cause the wig to become extremely damaged. The less you need to wash your wigs, the better! But once you feel that your synthetic hair feels dry, becomes hard to comb, the fibers feel crunchy or rough, or when your hair has absorbed any odors, then you’ll want to wash it.

What kind of shampoo and water should I use when washing my wig?

When you wash your wig, you need to make sure to use a shampoo specifically formulated for synthetic hair. These shampoos are made to moisturize synthetic fibers without stripping the fibers’ protective coating like other harsher shampoos may do. The water you use to wash your synthetic wigs should be filtered, distilled, or purified for best results, as water with harsh minerals can also damage synthetic hair.

How should I dry and style my wig after washing?

Some synthetic wigs are heat-styling friendly, but not all are. You will need to refer to the wig’s box to determine if heat can be used on the wig for styling. However, heat styling should NEVER be done to a synthetic wig when wet! After washing the wig, let it fully air dry and use a thermal heat protectant before applying any heat styling. Keep heat styling to a minimum to make your synthetic wigs last longer.

Watch my video on how to care for and wash synthetic lace front wigs to see these tips and tricks in action!

How to Wash a Synthetic Lace Front Wig:

1. Prepare a sink or bowl full of distilled or purified water.

Use cold water so the wig can maintain its shape and pattern better. Pour a small amount of shampoo into the water and swirl it around with your hand.

2. Gently soak the wig into the shampoo-water mix.

Swirl it around and make sure it gets nice and saturated. Never rub, twist, roll, or scrub the wig aggressively. This can cause damage or breakage to the wig, especially when wet. Simply let the wig soak for about 10 minutes.

3. Turn the cap inside out to see if the cap needs any extra cleaning.

Sometimes there can be a lot of product buildup from the scalp, natural hair, glue, or concealers used on the wig. If needed, you can lightly rub the lace frontal and cap with your fingers or a soft toothbrush. As always, be extremely gentle so as not to pull out any of the knots or tear the lace.

4. Rinse the wig until all the shampoo is gone.

After the wig is finished soaking, rinse it with cool, purified water until all the shampoo has come out. Gently squeeze out as much excess water as possible. Blot dry with a towel if needed. While the wig is damp, spray it with a detangler and leave-in conditioner spray. Use a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to gently distribute the product.

5. Allow your wig to air-dry.

Let the wig air-dry on a mannequin head or wig stand. The wig should fit loosely on the mannequin head/stand. If you have to stretch the cap to fit it on the stand, then you risk deforming the cap permanently, so ensure that the wig can dry in its natural shape on whatever stand you use.

6. Style your wig after it's completely dry.

Once the wig has dried completely, spray again if needed. Heat style as desired according to packaging instructions, but always remember to use a thermal protectant spray. For curly or wavy wigs, reform the curls with your fingers until it looks good as new!

Wearing wigs is a fun, cost-effective way to try out new hairstyles and change your look frequently. Wig care is important to keep your synthetic lace front wigs lasting longer and looking beautiful. If you treat your wigs with care and These beginner-friendly tips give you everything you need to know about caring for your wigs. Leave any questions or tips you have for wig maintenance, styling, and care in the comments section!

Other Quick Tips to Make Your Synthetic Wig Last Longer:

When storing, keep wigs out of direct sunlight.

Harsh conditions like direct sunlight can dry out the hair or even alter the color. You’re better off keeping them in a closet!

Protect the hair with the hair net.

Most wigs come with a little hair net. I like to keep these around my wigs when I’m not wearing them to keep the hair a bit more protected from tangling.

Don’t use too much heat styling on your wigs.

Be very careful when heat styling a synthetic wig. You don’t want to use too high of a temperature, or heat style the wig too often.

Don’t wash your wig too often.

Washing your wig too often will strip the synthetic fibers and make it harder to revive the wig over time.

Wear a wig cap under your wig.

Wearing a wig cap will protect both your natural hair and keep your wig from absorbing as many oils or products from your hair, making it last longer between washes.

Don’t sleep in your wig.

Never sleep in your wigs; this will cause them to become matted and tangled. Leave them on a mannequin head or stand overnight.

Use the correct brush or comb.

Use a wide-tooth comb or a paddle brush only. Comb the wig gently, starting from the bottom and work your way up to the root.

Always be gentle with your wigs.

No matter what you’re doing, being gentle with your wigs will help them last longer, so you can keep rocking your favorite styles.

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