How to Put in Clip-In Extensions for Beginners

How to Put in Clip-In Extensions for Beginners

Get the Hair of Your Dreams Instantly!

Now that we’ve talked about my journey into wigs, it’s time to talk about hair extensions!

When I put these hair extensions in, my self-confidence skyrocketed! I feel like I can conquer the world with my new thick, voluminous, waist-length hair. It’s the dream hair that I wished I had for so long, and it was so easy to achieve this new look! Read on to find out how!

There are many kinds of hair extensions, including those made from human hair and synthetic hair. There are also many application methods, including fusion, tape-ins, sew-in, and clip-in extensions. All of these are designed to make your hair appear fuller, longer, and more voluminous. While hair extensions can seem very complicated (and some of them certainly are); clip-in extensions, in particular, are actually pretty simple and can be easily put in your hair by yourself at home. Read on and watch my video for tips I’ve learned for wearing clip-in extensions!

Why You Should Buy Hair Extensions:

I’ve alternated between having shoulder-length to mid-back-length hair my entire life. I have incredibly straight, somewhat thin hair. While I’ve tried all the supplements, serums, and shampoos that are supposed to help your hair grow longer and become thicker, the results are never fast enough to be satisfactory. That’s where extensions come in! You can instantly add the length, volume, or even color that you’re looking for!


How to Choose Your Extension Type:

I chose a pack of clip-in extensions because I’m not looking to add the extra length or volume every day, just for occasional wear. Clip-in extensions are the easiest way to enhance your hair, because they are quick to install, don’t require special tools or professional technique, and they won’t cause damage to your hair. I chose synthetic hair because it’s affordable, and I know I won’t be wearing them every day. 


How to Find the Perfect Color Match:

One of the hardest parts about doing extensions yourself is matching the right color. When it comes down to it, your best bet is to get another pair of eyes to take a look and help you find the right match, because it can be hard to see your own hair properly! Make sure to compare how your own hair looks in natural versus indoor lighting as well.

Tip 1: Brush Your Hair

Remove all knots and tangles from your hair and the clip-ins before putting them in your hair. Using a detangling spray will also help make your clip-in extensions last longer. Make sure to brush before and after each piece you put in as you are putting the clip-ins in. This will help keep your hair looking sleek and tangle-free.


Tip 2: Start the Clips as Low as Possible

Starting low on the nape of your neck will make sure that you don’t end up having one of the wefts too high up, which means it can be seen more easily. The lower you try to get the extensions, the more likely it is that the wefts will be covered by the rest of your hair. This will also allow you to get the full length out of your extensions.


Tip 3: Be Flexible With Color Matching

Don’t worry about finding the most exact color match, down to every highlight, lowlight, and undertone. My extensions have a few more highlights than my natural hair, and that gives me a bit of an ombre effect in my hair. If you’re open to a slight color change, you can open up your options and have an easier time finding your color match.


Tip 4: Most of All, Practice Makes Perfect!

Out of all my tips, this is the most important. The rest of the tips are what works for me personally, but everyone has a different head shape and size, and different hair texture – meaning other techniques will work for different people, and to find what works for you, it will take a bit of time. Play around with the clips’ placement to find what is most comfortable and what will hide the extensions the best.

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